Saturday 21 April 2018


Bullying occurs when words or actions are repeatedly used to harm someone’s wellbeing. While there are times we can accidentally say or do things that are hurtful, it’s important to understand that bullying is deliberate behaviour. It’s done on purpose to make a person feel intimidated, threatened or powerless and is often ongoing. Unfortunately, teen bullying can be common, particularly at school.
Types of Bullying
Bullying takes on several forms including:
·         Physical threats and violence
·         Verbal attacks and abuse
·         Cyber bullying
Physical bullying is often the first thing that typically comes to mind. Yet verbal attacks affect the victim in many of the same ways. Bullying may lead to other social problems, such as low self-esteem and making poor choices.
The type of bullying may vary, but the effects follow a common pattern in teens. The victims often struggle with acceptance after suffering at the hands of a bully. The victim may experience:
·         Fear and withdrawal from normal activities where they may encounter the bully
·         Anxiety and depression
·         Stress
·         Poor self-esteem

·         Headaches, stomach ailments and other physical problems

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